God is Moving


vitaminsI am overwhelmed by and in awe of all the ways God is using people to love on the community of Macomb. Just this month over 120 bottles of prenatal/postnatal vitamins were donated. Someone else donated months and months of children’s vitamins for the feeding program. The Plymouth Ambulance Service donated a large quantity of medical supplies for our next free clinic in Macomb. Shoes, chalk, hygiene supplies, blankets, prescription pill bottles, canes for the elderly . . .

Then just two weeks ago I received an email from Martha, our school administrator in Haiti: “We will need more money for snacks soon . .  . When the children come to school they are so terribly hungry.” A few days later, following Compassion Clinic, Praise Fellowship church donated enough beef sticks to last the school at least a year. Not only are the children getting a snack, they are getting protein.

God is in this, and He is moving! IMG_0420

Children are being educated, fed and sponsored. The elderly are loved and their needs are being met. Medical treatment is taking place. Just this fall Vania, one of the children with rotting teeth was able to see a dentist. She had two of her teeth extracted, and she and her mother were educated in proper dental care. God is using our small mission to do great things in His Kingdom. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for supporting Love Feeds OUR World and our mission to serve the less fortunate in Haiti.